Our mission
The Union Vale Library Fund, Inc (UVLF) was established to obtain tax-deductible donations and grants to provide a philanthropic opportunity to help renovate and develop the Tymor Park Barn into the Union Vale Library, without taxpayers incurring renovation costs. This new library will be the first in the Town of Union Vale and certainly one of the very few libraries located in a 500-acre municipal park.
Why does Union Vale need a library?
Because Libraries aren't just books anymore!
Union Vale needs the opportunity to come together as a community in a 21st century, cutting edge, local place that serves needs that aren’t currently being met, while enabling people to meet and get to know each other. A library in Union Vale will help us build a tighter-knit community while providing free and valuable services to all residents.
Libraries serve as hubs within communities providing tangible services and content that can be customized for residents. A library is also a venue for inspiring, educating and informing a local community. Union Vale’s library will enable us to bring services to our residents they aren’t getting elsewhere. Union Vale’s library will enable us to build educational and informative programming as well as book collections that are tailor-made for our residents.
Union Vale’s library can provide more services for seniors such as broadband access, telehealth services, interesting lectures and, of course, great books... upstairs. Seniors will then be able to take the elevator down to the Senior Center where they can meet friends for a seniors’ lunch, games and camaraderie. We will install workspaces for all residents and teens can have special “meet spaces”. Imagine teens going for a hike in Tymor Park and ending up in the Cyber Café for coffee and conversation. Mothers with young children can utilize story-time upstairs for kids while attending a “Yoga for Moms” class downstairs in Recreation. Our library could provide resources for businesses such as remote access and meeting spaces. Our library could provide introductions to art, music & literature…. culture enjoyed by everyone. The synergies with Recreation and Tymor Park would make our Library a unique and special place, just like Union Vale.
Most importantly, Union Vale needs a library that creates, provides & serves Union Vale on its own terms, at its own costs, for its own residents, just like all the other libraries in Dutchess County!