Volunteer Opportunities
Let's accomplish something special for our community together. We need you!
There are a number or ways for you to lend a hand in the development of the Union Vale Library....
Sign up to serve on one of our active teams:
1. Fundraising / Event Team -Volunteer to work (as needed) for fundraising events
Serve as a Host/Hostess for fundraising events -Serve on the Decorating / Set Up Committee for fundraising events -Work on fundraising mailings, thank you’s and web site updates
2. Construction / Renovation Team
Work with Construction Manager on various renovation related projects (short or long term) - Work with Construction Manager to communicate updates on the UVLF website daily as work is being done
3. Cyber Café Focus Group
Teen volunteers needed to give suggestions for Cyber Café utilization - Parent volunteer input needed prior to renovation to maximize teen use of Cyber Café